Living in Limestone County, Alabama gives you access to high quality education from K-12 through universities.
K – 12 Schools
The Athens City School System has a long history and reputation for academic excellence. Student test scores are above the state average and always compare well to national averages. Dedicated teachers and staff combined with involved parents and a supportive community contribute to the success achieved by our students. The integration of technology into the curriculum is a priority for the entire school system. Teacher salaries in the school system average the third highest in the state of Alabama; thus, the students of Athens receive instruction from some of the best-qualified teachers in the State of Alabama.
Limestone County Schools incorporate technology as an integral part of instruction. All schools have Internet access, with computer labs in every school and computers on teachers’ desks. The school system’s Stanford Achievement Test (SAT), American College Testing (ACT), and graduation exam scores consistently rank above state and national averages. Partnership in Education Programs with local businesses and active Parent-Teacher Organizations are vital components of our successful school climate.
Post-Secondary Schools
Athens State University, established in 1822, is Alabama’s oldest college and is one of only 11 senior-level colleges in the United States. The university receives students from Calhoun Community College, as well as students from other 2-year colleges in the area. More than 1,000 students graduate from Athens State University each year.
Calhoun Community College is the largest two-year community college in the state of Alabama and has been recognized as one of the nation’s “Top 150 Community Colleges” by the Aspen Institute. Two of the top programs at Calhoun are Advanced Manufacturing and Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician.